Sunday 16 November 2008

Top 5: Man-made Wonders

1. Macchu Pichu and The Inca Trail ( Peru)
Having seen the photos hundreds of times you expect seeing Macchu Pichu to be something of an anti-climax. It's not.

2. Tikal (Guatemala)
The most impressive of the Mayan ruins that I saw. Even a hurricane and the heavy rains that accompanied it could not dampen the spirit.

3. The Taj Mahal (India)
This grand tomb of white marble is another of those sights that has earnt its' reputation for beauty with good reason.

4. Angkor Wat (Cambodia)
The most impressive ruin in South-East Asia lies surprisingly in the small country of Cambodia. This city, formerly home to the Khmer kingdom consists of a number of vast Hindu (many converted to Buddhist) complexes.

5. Ciudad Perdida (Columbia)
The 'lost city' of the Tayrona's takes a 6 day return journey hiking through the Columbian rainforest to visit. It is worth it though. As upon arrival one finds an ancient city where you can truly find a moment of peace. On my visit there were only 6 other people at the site, most people seem to be scared off by the 6 day hike and the history of FARC abductions from the site.

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