Wednesday 14 May 2008

Bocas Del Toro: Still beautiful Caribbean beaches, just a lot more alcohol!

Hello everyone from Central America! I am writing this email as I am waiting for a boat to take me back to mainland Panama from the island paradise of Boca Del Toro. I have been here for the past 5 days, prior to which I spent around 5 days parting in Panama city.
Panama City was great, a beautiful place with great bars and friendly people. Also where else in the world could you bribe a security guard a dollar to get youself and some friends into the VIP area of a huge boxing match. Unfortunately I could not bribe another guard to let me lean on the ring, which I had drunkenly attempted before being escorted back to the VIP area. I tried to explain to him in Spanish that I was a journalist covering the match, but he didn´t believe me. It may have had something to do with the fact that I was drunk and holding a beer and not a camera or any writing implement, but who knows? Anyway it was quite funny.
So after a great time in Panama City I headed onto Bocas Del Toro. Bocas like the San Blas islands is just off the Caribbean coast of Panama, however it is a pardise for very different reasons to San Blas. The San Blas islands' beauty lay in the fact that they were not full of tourists and you could spend your days truly at peace. Bocas is the complete opposite. The beaches are great, but the islands are full of tourists, bars and restaurants. The reason Bocas is a 'paradise' is because it is the bacpacker equivalent of Cancun, albeit on a far smaller scale. The islands are full of largely American backpackers seeking sun, surf and cheap booze and as a result the palce has a great party atmosphere whilst at the same time retaining the laid-back attitude that seems to accompany backpacker hubs.
I really have enjoyed myself hugely here. This is evident from the fact that i came here for two days five days ago. However I feel now is time to move on, partially because I am already hugely behind schedule, and also in order to give my liver a rest. I have been enjoying Bocas a sit should be enjoyed and have basically spent my time drinking 25p beers in the bars, or lying hungover on a Caribbean beach in the day.
So now I am taking a boat back to the mainland in ten minutes and then grabbing a bus to Costa Rica where I will be for only a short time before heading into Nicaragua where I will probably be at the time of my next post.
I will update you all with my latest escapades soon.

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